Dear Fulton,

Today you are two and there are lots of things
to celebrate about you. You love pizza,
french toast, and chocolate milk. You
love all things Toy Story especially Buzz Light Year. You talk up a storm in complete
sentences. You follow directions really
well even if they include multiple steps (Please pick up your toys and then get
your shoes). You recognize items in a
pairs as two of something “Two doggies” or “Two eyes.” You
love animals. You love to play animals
and will personify your toy animals. You
can also name almost all the animals at the zoo (penguins, monkeys, pelicans,
eagles, and bears are probably your favorite.)
You love trucks, tractors, airplanes, and everything transportation
related. You love to mimic mom and dad
and spent a lot of time vacuuming and mowing the lawn each day (we hope you
don’t outgrow this, haha)

You giggle like crazy roughhousing with daddy, but you are
very serious and focused when you play basketball or baseball with daddy. You also love cuddle time with dad.
You love to read and amaze mom because you will read stories
with her for over an hour at a time.
You are pretty easy going, but sometimes have tantrums even
if your belly is full and you are well rested (For example, if you don’t want
to be playing quietly in a church pew or would rather be outside looking at
ducks then waiting inside the doctor’s office).
You recognize images of Jesus and the Blessed Mother. You can do the sign of the cross. Mom and Dad love it when we “catch you”
making the sing of the cross on your own.
You are surly forming some early concept of prayer.
Fulton you are one cool kid and mom and dad love hanging out
with you.
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