Friday, January 20, 2012

Right Now

Right now it's January, and it's cold, and life is good.

Right now I am thinking I have really grown in terms of my profession.  I am less stressed, using time well, and moving in the right direction.

Right now I am dreaming of a paid off house.

Right now I am staying ahead of the game in regards to my project life.

Right now I am thinking my husband is AMAZING... because he is.

Right now my boy is not really a baby, but a toddler.  Learning to be a mama in a different way.  Giving him all my love in ways I can.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


This is the year I learn to make homemade bread.
This is the year I read...often.
This is the year I pick up the toys before bed.

This is the year WE pay extra on the mortgage, EVERY month.
This the year WE take our first family vacation...EVER.
This is the year WE (fingers crossed) become a family of four.

This is the year WE love together, laugh together, sing together, work together, and pray together.